Logline, Synopsis & Script Feedback Tool For Screenwriters – "Maveny"

Customer: A company who provides tools for screenwriters and filmmakers.
Project type
Flag of the Netherlands
Duration of development
2 weeks

Project detalis


To develop a pixel-perfect website according to the clients’ design using WordPress. The ACF (Advanced custom fields) plugin allows the creation of custom templates with the “Flexible Content” element that gives the ability for the client to edit any type of content (text, images, and buttons), and to create or edit existing pages, and sections.


The client needed a landing page and blog to promote his survey application.


As it was important for the client to be able to easily manage his content and pages, WordPress was suggested as the best and the easiest solution. The client was familiar with the CMS and there were no problems with managing the website.

Standing Man

Final Product


Scope One
A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Color palette


Easy to manage sections

As noted above, we used the Advanced custom field PRO plugin and its “Flexible content” element to create sections that could be re-used and that are easy to manage.

Each element is editable (title, button, link, plates with images, etc.) and that allows the content to be changed in just a few clicks. This requires absolutely no advanced knowledge.

The admin panel reflects the structure of the page (columns, elements position, and sequence).

Having sliders with testimonials is also not a problem. By clicking the “Add Testimonial” button the client can add a new slider element with all the same fields. He can easily drag and drop them to place them in the correct order. The same “drag & drop” functionality works for all sections of the page.

Page speed loading

Speed loading is an important ranking factor and research shows that for every second faster the site loads, the conversion rate improves by 17%. This website fully loads in 1.7 sec.


Advanced Custom Fields


Custom theme

Fully Responsive


Social media support

Speed Optimization



Jan Joris

Feedback coming soon

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Interesting in working with us?

We create only high-quality and unique products that are convenient and easy to use. Everything we do, we do with love and dedication. Our sites bring profit to heir owners and delight to users.

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