Corporate Brand Identity

Simply stated, corporate identity is how a company presents itself to the outside world and it is essential to any company, large or small. For us to create your corporate identity we execute the vision and goals of your brand. Your identity tells people what your brand stands for and what your customers value. This creates an unshakable base of consistency and authenticity which will set your brand apart from the rest.

What is it?

Corporate identity - the concept of a single design of all elements.

In the face of fierce competition in many areas of business, every company, large or small, needs a well-thought-out, competently implemented, individual corporate identity to set itself apart.

Corporate identity is a set of permanent elements (graphic, color, written) used to represent products and/or services, company information, as well as the internal and external design of the organization in a single style that helps to create a company image.

The corporate identity effectively solves 5 interrelated business tasks:

  1. Identification of the company and its products. The “right” corporate identity effectively distinguishes your company from similar products of competitors.
  2. The creation and consolidation of the desired image in the minds of consumers. The main message companies convey to their consumers is to encourage the use of their products or services, and that by doing so, it will bring benefit to consumers.
  3. The formation of a positive corporate image. The basis of a trusting long-term relationship with your customer is positioning your company in the best possible way. The sooner you convince the consumer of your reliability, quality and professionalism, the faster your activity will win in the marketplace, thereby reducing your expenses on its “promotion”.
  4. The delivery of the “right” information to the potential customer in an effective and efficient manner as possible. Following the design theme running through all aspects of your company, product identification by the consumer is made easier and this can be portrayed in every action your company takes and, in the consumer, identifying the unique qualities possessed.
  5. The development of corporate identity is a vital part of marketing strategy, helping the company to demonstrate its position and strength within its market to consumers and in the face of its competitors.


The main carriers of corporate identity:

  • Website.
  • Business card (corporate, personal).
  • Letterhead (horizontal, vertical) and envelopes.

Additional media corporate identity:

  • Folder, booklets, posters, and calendars.
  • Stickers and souvenirs.
  • Staff uniforms
  • POS materials.
  • Advertising
  • Labels and packaging
  • Interior elements etc.


Each company’s corporate identity requirements differ, and it is only after in-depth consultation can the individuality of the components be identified and the set of requires media be produced

All the above-listed corporate-style media are designed in a single key and contain the constants of the corporate style: logo, corporate fonts, primary and secondary corporate colors throughout all applications.

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We create only high-quality and unique products that are convenient and easy to use. Everything we do, we do with love and dedication. Our sites bring profit to heir owners and delight to users.

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